Should I Upgrade my Store to Shopify Plus? Everything You Need to Know

upgrade store to shopify plus

Upgrading your store to Shopify Plus can transform your business. With advanced features, enhanced customization, and strong support, Shopify Plus is ideal for growing e-commerce ventures. This guide covers everything you need to know, from key benefits and unique features to costs and potential returns. Whether your current setup is limiting you or you want to outpace competitors, understanding Shopify Plus will help you decide if it's the right upgrade for your online store. Read on to find out if Shopify Plus is the right choice for you.

How does Shopify Plus compare to other plans? All you need to know.

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shopify plus upgrade
shopify plus upgrade
shopify plus upgrade
shopify plus upgrade


Frequently Asked Questions About Shopify Plus Plan and Upgrade

Expansion Stores: What Are They and Can You Run Different Brands?

Expansion stores are additional stores under the same brand, designed to help you sell in different languages or currencies and cater to wholesale customers. These stores allow you to tailor your offerings to various markets without the need for entirely separate setups. You can also use expansion stores to test new features before releasing to the public.

Can I Stay on My Existing Shopify Plan and Pay for a Single Shopify Plus Feature?

No, all Shopify Plus features are exclusive to the Shopify Plus plan. This means that to access the premium capabilities of Shopify Plus, an upgrade is necessary. We also recommend redesigning your store from a Shopify Agency, and you can explore the leading agencies here.

Why Do Shopify Payments Rates Vary by Country?

Shopify Payments rates differ per country due to varying credit card network fees incurred for processing transactions. These fees are influenced by the local financial infrastructure and the specific costs associated with each card network, including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. For more details on Shopify Payments, visit [here](#).

What If I’ve Already Paid the Annual Fee for My Current Plan?

If you've already paid the annual fee for your current Shopify plan and decide to upgrade to Shopify Plus, contact Shopify support through your admin. They will apply a credit to your new Shopify Plus contract fee, ensuring a smooth and cost-effective transition. For more details, check out our [guide to upgrading](#).

The Comprehensive Benefits of Shopify Plus

1. **Enhanced Customization**: Shopify Plus provides access to the checkout.liquid template, allowing for advanced customizations and tailored user experiences.
2. **Automation Tools**: Features like Shopify Flow, Shopify Scripts, and Launchpad streamline operations and automate complex workflows.
3. **Priority Support**: Enjoy 24/7 priority support from a team of experts dedicated to high-volume businesses.
4. **Scalability**: Manage multiple stores, handle high traffic, and process large volumes of transactions seamlessly.
5. **Exclusive Features**: Benefit from additional stores, advanced reporting, and specialized apps designed to meet enterprise needs.

Is Shopify Plus Right for You?

Brands typically consider upgrading to Shopify Plus when their online sales reach approximately $80,000 USD per month, though this can vary. If you're unsure whether it's the right time to upgrade, consult with a Shopify Plus sales representative for personalized advice.

For more insights and guidance on whether you should upgrade your Shopify plan to Shopify Plus, please contact us at Exhibea

By understanding these aspects, you can make an informed decision about whether upgrading to Shopify Plus is the best move for your growing Shopify store. For any further questions or personalized advice, don't hesitate to contact us at Exhibea, a leading Shopify Plus agency.



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